
The University of Notre Dame Welcomes You To Newman University Church

Founded by the University of Notre Dame in 2017 at the invitation of Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, the Notre Dame-Newman Centre for Faith and Reason fosters the lively interplay of faith and intellectual inquiry to inform and deepen our understanding of God, the modern world and, ultimately, ourselves. Inspired by Newman, we strive to be a community of informed believers who seek the truth with confidence, speak the gospel in love, and witness to faith in our every action.  

Submit Your Wedding Photo and View the Wedding Album

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Coming Events

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  1. single taize candle

    Taizé Resumes!

    Prayer in the Style of Taizé is named for the ecumenical Christian community formed in Taizé, France. The Taizé community includes brothers from all Christian denominations, including Protestant, Catholic, and...
  2. Celebrating Weddings in University Church

    Submit Your Wedding Photo from University Church For over 100 years, couples have been celebrating their weddings in Newman University Church! In 2023 we began collecting photographs throughout the years...

This Week

Sunday 11:00am & 6:15pm
Monday to Friday 1:05pm (except on Bank Holidays)
No public Mass on Saturday
Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals by arrangement

Liturgy Planning

Liturgy Planning

Our liturgical resources include readings and music selections appropriate for each week of the year.

Wedding Planning

Wedding Planning

Dublin's University Church welcomes couples who wish to be married here.

Music & Videos

Music & Videos

Our liturgical resources include readings and music selections appropriate for each week of the year.